Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The Next Chapter.

The Facebook and Reece's Rainbow "cyberworld" exploded Wednesday, April 10 beginning at 2:57pm with the news...

3 special children would be orphans no more...

and the Dobrovits family would be blessed beyond belief....

SUSAN, EDMOND and LUCY for the Dobrovits family — IL

007It started with Henry. We brought him home in September of 2011 at the age of 1. He was very sick and had a much more severe and rare disability than was originally thought. We loved him through ICU admissions and surgeries and therapies and learning how to eat and clap and laugh. He was our precious youngest of 7 and the treasure of our entire family.
He died on November 28, 2012, a few months after his 2nd birthday.
We grieved. We knew his short life made a difference from the hundreds of emails and cards and Facebook and blog tributes to him. We knew he changed us.
Now God has shown us our next adventure. Not to replace Henry. Never that.
But to give AND receive love and family in a different way. To a sibling group that DESERVES to stay together…
with a baby girl whose who needs a little extra help to figure out exactly what help she needs.
We are up for the challenge and we know Henry is cheering us on from heaven.
Thank you so much for your prayer and financial support to help us bring ALL THREE home.
Follow the family’s adoption journey on their blog at


We are so grateful...and humbled...and thankful...

to YOU dear readers and family and friends and bloggers and prayer warriors and orphan defenders...

and to Henry for his intercession from heaven....

We are starting off in a big way!!! Please join us as you feel led!!!